Allocation spéciale pour enfants
Règlement du recours collectif (Manitoba)
Claim Registration is Open
Claims Administrator Information Line: 1-204-947-7101 | 1-844-947-7101 | info@csasettlement.com
Class Counsel
Cochrane Sinclair is co-counsel for the Lavallee and can be reached at 1-204-594-6688 or csa@cochranesinclair.com.
DD West is counsel for Flette and co-counsel for Lavallee and can be reached at 1-204-421-8655 or csa@ddwestllp.com.
Website: https://www.cochranesinclair.ca
Website: www.ddwestllp.com

Claims Administrator
The Claims Administrator is Exchange Solutions Inc. (EXG).
If you have questions regarding the Claims Process, please contact the Claims Administrator at no charge by calling 1-844-947-7101 or by email at info@csasettlement.com.
Website: www.exg.ca

First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line
1-855-242-3310 (toll free)
Kids Help Phone
Text “CONNECT” to 686868.
Phone 24/7: 1-800-668-6868.
The information on this website may be triggering or traumatic for visitors. There are wellness supports available here.